Cleaned up request acks. Added internal service bus for internal messaging.

This commit is contained in:
Tom 2024-11-08 15:32:42 +00:00
parent fe2eb86a08
commit 66f2bf7ec6
33 changed files with 1326 additions and 415 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
using HermesSocketLibrary.Requests.Messages;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Bus.Data
public class RedemptionInitiation
public required IEnumerable<Redemption> Redemptions { get; set; }
public required IDictionary<string, RedeemableAction> Actions { get; set; }

Bus/ServiceBusCentral.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Bus
public class ServiceBusCentral
private readonly IDictionary<string, ServiceBusObservable> _topics;
private readonly IDictionary<string, ISet<IObserver<ServiceBusData>>> _receivers;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly object _lock;
public ServiceBusCentral(ILogger logger)
_topics = new Dictionary<string, ServiceBusObservable>();
_receivers = new Dictionary<string, ISet<IObserver<ServiceBusData>>>();
_logger = logger;
_lock = new object();
public void Add(string topic, IObserver<ServiceBusData> observer)
lock (_lock)
if (!_receivers.TryGetValue(topic, out var observers))
observers = new HashSet<IObserver<ServiceBusData>>();
_receivers.Add(topic, observers);
public ServiceBusObservable GetTopic(string topic)
lock (_lock)
if (!_topics.TryGetValue(topic, out var bus))
bus = new ServiceBusObservable(topic, this);
_topics.Add(topic, bus);
return bus;
public IEnumerable<IObserver<ServiceBusData>> GetObservers(string topic)
lock (_lock)
if (_receivers.TryGetValue(topic, out var observers))
return observers.ToImmutableArray();
return [];
public bool RemoveObserver(string topic, IObserver<ServiceBusData> observer)
lock (_lock)
if (_receivers.TryGetValue(topic, out var observers))
return observers.Remove(observer);
return false;
public void Send(object sender, string topic, object value)
var observers = GetObservers(topic);
foreach (var consumer in observers)
consumer.OnNext(new ServiceBusData(sender, topic, value));
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error(ex, "Failed to execute observer on send.");

Bus/ServiceBusData.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Bus
public class ServiceBusData
public string Topic { get; }
public object? Sender { get; }
public object? Value { get; }
public DateTime Timestamp { get; }
public ServiceBusData(object sender, string topic, object value)
Topic = topic;
Sender = sender;
Value = value;
Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
using System.Reactive;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Bus
public class ServiceBusObservable : ObservableBase<ServiceBusData>
private readonly string _topic;
private readonly ServiceBusCentral _central;
public ServiceBusObservable(string topic, ServiceBusCentral central)
_topic = topic;
_central = central;
protected override IDisposable SubscribeCore(IObserver<ServiceBusData> observer)
_central.Add(_topic, observer);
return new ServiceBusUnsubscriber(_topic, _central, observer);
private sealed class ServiceBusUnsubscriber : IDisposable
private readonly string _topic;
private readonly ServiceBusCentral _central;
private readonly IObserver<ServiceBusData> _receiver;
public ServiceBusUnsubscriber(string topic, ServiceBusCentral central, IObserver<ServiceBusData> receiver)
_topic = topic;
_central = central;
_receiver = receiver;
public void Dispose()
_central.RemoveObserver(_topic, _receiver);

Bus/ServiceBusObserver.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
using System.Reactive;
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Bus
public class ServiceBusObserver : ObserverBase<ServiceBusData>
private readonly Action<ServiceBusData> _action;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public ServiceBusObserver(Action<ServiceBusData> action, ILogger logger)
_action = action;
_logger = logger;
protected override void OnCompletedCore()
protected override void OnErrorCore(Exception error)
_logger.Error(error, "Error occurred.");
protected override void OnNextCore(ServiceBusData value)

View File

@ -1,59 +1,25 @@
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using CommonSocketLibrary.Abstract;
using CommonSocketLibrary.Common;
using HermesSocketLibrary.Requests.Callbacks;
using HermesSocketLibrary.Requests.Messages;
using HermesSocketLibrary.Socket.Data;
using HermesSocketServer.Models;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Serilog;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Commands.Limits;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Emotes;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Groups;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Groups.Permissions;
using TwitchChatTTS.Twitch.Redemptions;
using TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Handlers
public class RequestAckHandler : IWebSocketHandler
private User _user;
private readonly ICallbackManager<HermesRequestData> _callbackManager;
private readonly IChatterGroupManager _groups;
private readonly IUsagePolicy<long> _policies;
private readonly TwitchApiClient _twitch;
private readonly NightbotApiClient _nightbot;
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly RequestAckManager _manager;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly object _voicesAvailableLock = new object();
public int OperationCode { get; } = 4;
public RequestAckHandler(
ICallbackManager<HermesRequestData> callbackManager,
IChatterGroupManager groups,
IUsagePolicy<long> policies,
TwitchApiClient twitch,
NightbotApiClient nightbot,
IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
User user,
JsonSerializerOptions options,
RequestAckManager manager,
ILogger logger
_callbackManager = callbackManager;
_groups = groups;
_policies = policies;
_twitch = twitch;
_nightbot = nightbot;
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
_user = user;
_options = options;
_manager = manager;
_logger = logger;
@ -67,384 +33,13 @@ namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Handlers
HermesRequestData? hermesRequestData = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Request.RequestId))
hermesRequestData = _callbackManager.Take(message.Request.RequestId);
if (hermesRequestData == null)
_logger.Warning($"Could not find callback for request [request id: {message.Request.RequestId}][type: {message.Request.Type}]");
else if (hermesRequestData.Data == null)
hermesRequestData.Data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
_logger.Debug($"Received a Hermes request message [type: {message.Request.Type}][data: {string.Join(',', message.Request.Data?.Select(entry => entry.Key + '=' + entry.Value) ?? Array.Empty<string>())}]");
if (message.Request.Type == "get_tts_voices")
var json = message.Data?.ToString();
if (message.Request.Type == null || json == null)
var voices = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<VoiceDetails>>(message.Data.ToString(), _options);
if (voices == null)
lock (_voicesAvailableLock)
_user.VoicesAvailable = voices.ToDictionary(e => e.Id, e => e.Name);
_logger.Information("Updated all available voices for TTS.");
else if (message.Request.Type == "create_tts_user")
if (!long.TryParse(message.Request.Data["chatter"].ToString(), out long chatterId))
_logger.Warning($"Failed to parse chatter id [chatter id: {message.Request.Data["chatter"]}]");
string userId = message.Request.Data["user"].ToString();
string voiceId = message.Request.Data["voice"].ToString();
_user.VoicesSelected.Add(chatterId, voiceId);
_logger.Information($"Added new TTS voice [voice: {voiceId}] for user [user id: {userId}]");
else if (message.Request.Type == "update_tts_user")
if (!long.TryParse(message.Request.Data["chatter"].ToString(), out long chatterId))
_logger.Warning($"Failed to parse chatter id [chatter id: {message.Request.Data["chatter"]}]");
string userId = message.Request.Data["user"].ToString();
string voiceId = message.Request.Data["voice"].ToString();
_user.VoicesSelected[chatterId] = voiceId;
_logger.Information($"Updated TTS voice [voice: {voiceId}] for user [user id: {userId}]");
else if (message.Request.Type == "create_tts_voice")
string? voice = message.Request.Data["voice"].ToString();
string? voiceId = message.Data.ToString();
if (voice == null || voiceId == null)
lock (_voicesAvailableLock)
var list = _user.VoicesAvailable.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);
list.Add(voiceId, voice);
_user.VoicesAvailable = list;
_logger.Information($"Created new tts voice [voice: {voice}][id: {voiceId}].");
else if (message.Request.Type == "delete_tts_voice")
var voice = message.Request.Data["voice"].ToString();
if (!_user.VoicesAvailable.TryGetValue(voice, out string? voiceName) || voiceName == null)
lock (_voicesAvailableLock)
var dict = _user.VoicesAvailable.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);
_logger.Information($"Deleted a voice [voice: {voiceName}]");
else if (message.Request.Type == "update_tts_voice")
string voiceId = message.Request.Data["idd"].ToString();
string voice = message.Request.Data["voice"].ToString();
if (!_user.VoicesAvailable.TryGetValue(voiceId, out string? voiceName) || voiceName == null)
_user.VoicesAvailable[voiceId] = voice;
_logger.Information($"Updated TTS voice [voice: {voice}][id: {voiceId}]");
else if (message.Request.Type == "get_connections")
var connections = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<Connection>>(message.Data?.ToString(), _options);
if (connections == null)
_logger.Error("Null value was given when attempting to fetch connections.");
_user.TwitchConnection = connections.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "twitch" && c.Default);
_user.NightbotConnection = connections.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "nightbot" && c.Default);
if (_user.TwitchConnection != null)
_twitch.Initialize(_user.TwitchConnection.ClientId, _user.TwitchConnection.AccessToken);
if (_user.NightbotConnection != null)
_nightbot.Initialize(_user.NightbotConnection.ClientId, _user.NightbotConnection.AccessToken);
_logger.Information($"Fetched connections from TTS account [count: {connections.Count()}][twitch: {_user.TwitchConnection != null}][nightbot: {_user.NightbotConnection != null}]");
else if (message.Request.Type == "get_tts_users")
var users = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IDictionary<long, string>>(message.Data.ToString(), _options);
if (users == null)
var temp = new ConcurrentDictionary<long, string>();
foreach (var entry in users)
temp.TryAdd(entry.Key, entry.Value);
_user.VoicesSelected = temp;
_logger.Information($"Updated {temp.Count()} chatters' selected voice.");
else if (message.Request.Type == "get_chatter_ids")
var chatters = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<long>>(message.Data.ToString(), _options);
if (chatters == null)
_user.Chatters = [.. chatters];
_logger.Information($"Fetched {chatters.Count()} chatters' id.");
else if (message.Request.Type == "get_emotes")
var emotes = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<EmoteInfo>>(message.Data.ToString(), _options);
if (emotes == null)
var emoteDb = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IEmoteDatabase>();
var count = 0;
var duplicateNames = 0;
foreach (var emote in emotes)
if (emoteDb.Get(emote.Name) == null)
emoteDb.Add(emote.Name, emote.Id);
_logger.Information($"Fetched {count} emotes from various sources.");
if (duplicateNames > 0)
_logger.Warning($"Found {duplicateNames} emotes with duplicate names.");
else if (message.Request.Type == "get_enabled_tts_voices")
var enabledTTSVoices = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<string>>(message.Data.ToString(), _options);
if (enabledTTSVoices == null)
_logger.Error("Failed to load enabled tts voices.");
if (_user.VoicesEnabled == null)
_user.VoicesEnabled = enabledTTSVoices.ToHashSet();
foreach (var voice in enabledTTSVoices)
_logger.Information($"TTS voices [count: {_user.VoicesEnabled.Count}] have been enabled.");
else if (message.Request.Type == "get_permissions")
var groupInfo = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<GroupInfo>(message.Data.ToString(), _options);
if (groupInfo == null)
_logger.Error("Failed to load groups & permissions.");
var chatterGroupManager = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IChatterGroupManager>();
var permissionManager = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IGroupPermissionManager>();
var groupsById = groupInfo.Groups.ToDictionary(g => g.Id, g => g);
foreach (var group in groupInfo.Groups)
foreach (var permission in groupInfo.GroupPermissions)
_logger.Debug($"Adding group permission [permission id: {permission.Id}][group id: {permission.GroupId}][path: {permission.Path}][allow: {permission.Allow?.ToString() ?? "null"}]");
if (!groupsById.TryGetValue(permission.GroupId, out var group))
_logger.Warning($"Failed to find group by id [permission id: {permission.Id}][group id: {permission.GroupId}][path: {permission.Path}]");
var path = $"{group.Name}.{permission.Path}";
permissionManager.Set(path, permission.Allow);
_logger.Debug($"Added group permission [id: {permission.Id}][group id: {permission.GroupId}][path: {permission.Path}]");
_logger.Information($"Groups [count: {groupInfo.Groups.Count()}] & Permissions [count: {groupInfo.GroupPermissions.Count()}] have been loaded.");
foreach (var chatter in groupInfo.GroupChatters)
if (groupsById.TryGetValue(chatter.GroupId, out var group))
chatterGroupManager.Add(chatter.ChatterId, group.Name);
_logger.Information($"Users in each group [count: {groupInfo.GroupChatters.Count()}] have been loaded.");
else if (message.Request.Type == "get_tts_word_filters")
var wordFilters = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<TTSWordFilter>>(message.Data.ToString(), _options);
if (wordFilters == null)
_logger.Error("Failed to load word filters.");
var filters = wordFilters.Where(f => f.Search != null && f.Replace != null).ToArray();
foreach (var filter in filters)
var re = new Regex(filter.Search!, RegexOptions.Compiled);
filter.Regex = re;
catch (Exception) { }
_user.RegexFilters = filters;
_logger.Information($"TTS word filters [count: {_user.RegexFilters.Count()}] have been refreshed.");
else if (message.Request.Type == "update_tts_voice_state")
string voiceId = message.Request.Data?["voice"].ToString()!;
bool state = message.Request.Data?["state"].ToString()!.ToLower() == "true";
if (!_user.VoicesAvailable.TryGetValue(voiceId, out string? voiceName) || voiceName == null)
_logger.Warning($"Failed to find voice by id [id: {voiceId}]");
if (state)
_logger.Information($"Updated voice state [voice: {voiceName}][new state: {(state ? "enabled" : "disabled")}]");
else if (message.Request.Type == "get_redemptions")
IEnumerable<Redemption>? redemptions = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<Redemption>>(message.Data!.ToString()!, _options);
if (redemptions != null)
_logger.Information($"Redemptions [count: {redemptions.Count()}] loaded.");
if (hermesRequestData != null)
hermesRequestData.Data!.Add("redemptions", redemptions);
else if (message.Request.Type == "get_redeemable_actions")
IEnumerable<RedeemableAction>? actions = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<RedeemableAction>>(message.Data!.ToString()!, _options);
if (actions == null)
_logger.Warning("Failed to read the redeemable actions for redemptions.");
if (hermesRequestData?.Data == null || hermesRequestData.Data["redemptions"] is not IEnumerable<Redemption> redemptions)
_logger.Warning("Failed to read the redemptions while updating redemption actions.");
_logger.Information($"Redeemable actions [count: {actions.Count()}] loaded.");
var redemptionManager = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IRedemptionManager>();
redemptionManager.Initialize(redemptions, actions.ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a));
else if (message.Request.Type == "get_default_tts_voice")
string? defaultVoice = message.Data?.ToString();
if (defaultVoice != null)
_user.DefaultTTSVoice = defaultVoice;
_logger.Information($"Default TTS voice was changed to '{defaultVoice}'.");
else if (message.Request.Type == "update_default_tts_voice")
if (message.Request.Data?.TryGetValue("voice", out object? voice) == true && voice is string v)
_user.DefaultTTSVoice = v;
_logger.Information($"Default TTS voice was changed to '{v}'.");
_logger.Warning("Failed to update default TTS voice via request.");
else if (message.Request.Type == "get_policies")
var policies = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<PolicyMessage>>(message.Data!.ToString()!, _options);
if (policies == null || !policies.Any())
_logger.Information($"Policies have been set to default.");
_policies.Set("everyone", "tts", 100, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
foreach (var policy in policies)
var group = _groups.Get(policy.GroupId.ToString());
if (policy == null)
_logger.Debug($"Policy data failed");
_logger.Debug($"Policy data [policy id: {policy.Id}][path: {policy.Path}][group id: {policy.GroupId}][group name: {group?.Name}]");
_policies.Set(group?.Name ?? string.Empty, policy.Path, policy.Usage, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(policy.Span));
_logger.Information($"Policies have been loaded, a total of {policies.Count()} policies.");
else if (message.Request.Type == "update_policy")
var policy = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<PolicyMessage>(message.Data!.ToString()!, _options);
var group = _groups.Get(policy.GroupId.ToString());
if (policy == null || group == null)
_logger.Debug($"Policy data failed");
_logger.Debug($"Policy data [policy id: {policy.Id}][path: {policy.Path}][group id: {policy.GroupId}][group name: {group?.Name}]");
_policies.Set(group?.Name ?? string.Empty, policy.Path, policy.Usage, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(policy.Span));
_logger.Information($"Policy has been updated [policy id: {policy.Id}]");
else if (message.Request.Type == "create_policy")
var policy = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<PolicyMessage>(message.Data!.ToString()!, _options);
if (policy == null)
_logger.Debug($"Policy data failed");
var group = _groups.Get(policy.GroupId.ToString());
if (group == null)
_logger.Debug($"Group data failed");
_logger.Debug($"Policy data [policy id: {policy.Id}][path: {policy.Path}][group id: {policy.GroupId}][group name: {group?.Name}]");
_policies.Set(group?.Name, policy.Path, policy.Usage, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(policy.Span));
_logger.Information($"Policy has been updated [policy id: {policy.Id}]");
else if (message.Request.Type == "update_policies")
var policy = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<PolicyMessage>(message.Data!.ToString()!, _options);
var group = _groups.Get(policy.GroupId.ToString());
if (policy == null)
_logger.Debug($"Policy data failed");
_logger.Debug($"Policy data [policy id: {policy.Id}][path: {policy.Path}][group id: {policy.GroupId}][group name: {group?.Name}]");
_policies.Set(group?.Name ?? string.Empty, policy.Path, policy.Usage, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(policy.Span));
_logger.Information($"Policy has been updated [policy id: {policy.Id}]");
_logger.Warning($"Found unknown request type when acknowledging [type: {message.Request.Type}]");
if (hermesRequestData != null)
_logger.Debug($"Callback was found for request [request id: {message.Request.RequestId}][type: {message.Request.Type}]");
_manager.Fulfill(message.Request.Type, message.Request.RequestId, json, message.Request.Data);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
using System.Text.Json;
using HermesSocketServer.Models;
using Serilog;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Commands.Limits;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Groups;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class CreatePolicyAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "create_policy";
private readonly IChatterGroupManager _groups;
private readonly IUsagePolicy<long> _policies;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public CreatePolicyAck(IChatterGroupManager groups, IUsagePolicy<long> policies, JsonSerializerOptions options, ILogger logger)
_groups = groups;
_policies = policies;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
if (requestData == null)
_logger.Warning("Request data is null.");
var policy = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<PolicyMessage>(json, _options);
if (policy == null)
_logger.Warning($"Policy data failed: null");
var group = _groups.Get(policy.GroupId.ToString());
if (group == null)
_logger.Warning($"Policy data failed: group id not found [group id: {policy.GroupId}][policy id: {policy.Id}]");
_logger.Debug($"Policy data [policy id: {policy.Id}][path: {policy.Path}][group id: {policy.GroupId}][group name: {group.Name}]");
_policies.Set(group.Name, policy.Path, policy.Usage, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(policy.Span));
_logger.Information($"Policy has been updated [policy id: {policy.Id}]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class CreateTTSUserAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "create_tts_user";
private readonly User _user;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public CreateTTSUserAck(User user, ILogger logger)
_user = user;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
if (requestData == null)
_logger.Warning("Request data is null.");
if (!long.TryParse(requestData["chatter"].ToString(), out long chatterId))
_logger.Warning($"Failed to parse chatter id [chatter id: {requestData["chatter"]}]");
if (chatterId <= 0)
_logger.Warning($"Chatter Id is invalid [chatter id: {chatterId}]");
var userId = requestData["user"].ToString();
var voiceId = requestData["voice"].ToString();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
_logger.Warning("User Id is invalid.");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voiceId))
_logger.Warning("Voice Id is invalid.");
if (!_user.VoicesAvailable.TryGetValue(voiceId, out var voiceName))
_logger.Warning($"Voice Id does not exist [voice id: {voiceId}]");
_user.VoicesSelected.Add(chatterId, voiceId);
_logger.Information($"Created a new TTS user [user id: {userId}][voice id: {voiceId}][voice name: {voiceName}].");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class CreateTTSVoiceAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "create_tts_voice";
private readonly User _user;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public CreateTTSVoiceAck(User user, ILogger logger)
_user = user;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
if (requestData == null)
_logger.Warning("Request data is null.");
var voice = requestData["voice"].ToString()!;
var voiceId = json;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voice))
_logger.Warning("Voice name is invalid.");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voiceId))
_logger.Warning("Voice Id is invalid.");
if (_user.VoicesAvailable.TryGetValue(voiceId, out var voiceName))
_logger.Warning($"Voice Id already exists [voice id: {voiceId}][voice name: {voiceName}]");
_user.VoicesAvailable.Add(voiceId, voice);
_logger.Information($"Created a new tts voice [voice: {voice}][id: {voiceId}]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
using Serilog;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Commands.Limits;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Groups;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class DeletePolicyAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "delete_policy";
private readonly IChatterGroupManager _groups;
private readonly IUsagePolicy<long> _policies;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public DeletePolicyAck(IChatterGroupManager groups, IUsagePolicy<long> policies, ILogger logger)
_groups = groups;
_policies = policies;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
var data = json.Split('/');
if (data.Length != 2)
_logger.Error("Deleting a policy failed: data received is invalid.");
var groupId = data[0];
var path = data[1];
var group = _groups.Get(groupId);
if (group == null)
_logger.Warning($"Deleting a policy failed: group id does not exist [group id: {groupId}][path: {path}]");
_policies.Remove(group.Name, path);
_logger.Information($"Policy has been deleted [group id: {groupId}][path: {path}]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class DeleteTTSVoiceAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "delete_tts_voice";
private readonly User _user;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public DeleteTTSVoiceAck(User user, ILogger logger)
_user = user;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
if (requestData == null)
_logger.Warning("Request data is null.");
var voice = requestData["voice"].ToString();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voice))
_logger.Warning($"Voice Id is invalid [voice id: {voice}]");
if (!_user.VoicesAvailable.TryGetValue(voice, out string? voiceName))
_logger.Warning($"Voice Id does not exist [voice id: {voice}]");
_logger.Information($"Deleted a voice [voice id: {voice}][voice name: {voiceName}]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
using System.Text.Json;
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class GetChatterIdsAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "get_chatter_ids";
private readonly User _user;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GetChatterIdsAck(User user, JsonSerializerOptions options, ILogger logger)
_user = user;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
var chatters = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<long>>(json, _options);
if (chatters == null)
_logger.Warning("Chatters is null.");
if (!chatters.Any())
_logger.Warning("Chatters is empty.");
_user.Chatters = [.. chatters];
_logger.Information($"Fetched chatters [count: {chatters.Count()}]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
using System.Text.Json;
using HermesSocketLibrary.Socket.Data;
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class GetConnectionsAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "get_connections";
private readonly TwitchApiClient _twitch;
private readonly NightbotApiClient _nightbot;
private readonly User _user;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GetConnectionsAck
TwitchApiClient twitch,
NightbotApiClient nightbot,
User user,
JsonSerializerOptions options,
ILogger logger
_twitch = twitch;
_nightbot = nightbot;
_user = user;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
var connections = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<Connection>>(json, _options);
if (connections == null)
_logger.Error("Null value was given when attempting to fetch connections.");
_user.TwitchConnection = connections.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "twitch" && c.Default);
_user.NightbotConnection = connections.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "nightbot" && c.Default);
_logger.Information($"Fetched connections from TTS account [count: {connections.Count()}][twitch: {_user.TwitchConnection != null}][nightbot: {_user.NightbotConnection != null}]");
if (_user.TwitchConnection != null)
_twitch.Initialize(_user.TwitchConnection.ClientId, _user.TwitchConnection.AccessToken);
if (_user.NightbotConnection != null)
_nightbot.Initialize(_user.NightbotConnection.ClientId, _user.NightbotConnection.AccessToken);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
using System.Text.Json;
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class GetDefaultTTSVoiceAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "get_default_tts_voice";
private readonly User _user;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GetDefaultTTSVoiceAck(User user, JsonSerializerOptions options, ILogger logger)
_user = user;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
string? defaultVoice = json;
if (defaultVoice != null)
_user.DefaultTTSVoice = defaultVoice;
_logger.Information($"Default TTS voice was changed [voice: {defaultVoice}]");
_logger.Error($"Failed to load default TTS voice.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
using System.Text.Json;
using HermesSocketLibrary.Requests.Messages;
using Serilog;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Emotes;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class GetEmotesAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "get_emotes";
private readonly IEmoteDatabase _emotes;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GetEmotesAck(IEmoteDatabase emotes, JsonSerializerOptions options, ILogger logger)
_emotes = emotes;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
var data = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<EmoteInfo>>(json, _options);
if (data == null)
_logger.Warning("Emotes is null.");
var count = 0;
var duplicateNames = 0;
foreach (var emote in data)
if (_emotes.Get(emote.Name) == null)
_emotes.Add(emote.Name, emote.Id);
_logger.Information($"Fetched emotes of various sources [count: {count}]");
if (duplicateNames > 0)
_logger.Warning($"Found {duplicateNames} emotes with duplicate names.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
using System.Text.Json;
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class GetEnabledTTSVoicesAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "get_enabled_tts_voices";
private readonly User _user;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GetEnabledTTSVoicesAck(User user, JsonSerializerOptions options, ILogger logger)
_user = user;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
var enabledTTSVoices = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<string>>(json, _options);
if (enabledTTSVoices == null)
_logger.Warning("Failed to load enabled tts voices.");
if (_user.VoicesEnabled == null)
_user.VoicesEnabled = enabledTTSVoices.ToHashSet();
foreach (var voice in enabledTTSVoices)
_logger.Information($"TTS voices [count: {_user.VoicesEnabled.Count}] have been enabled.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
using System.Text.Json;
using HermesSocketLibrary.Requests.Messages;
using Serilog;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Groups;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Groups.Permissions;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class GetPermissionsAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "get_permissions";
private readonly IGroupPermissionManager _permissions;
private readonly IChatterGroupManager _groups;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GetPermissionsAck(
IGroupPermissionManager permissions,
IChatterGroupManager groups,
JsonSerializerOptions options,
ILogger logger)
_permissions = permissions;
_groups = groups;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
var groupInfo = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<GroupInfo>(json, _options);
if (groupInfo == null)
_logger.Error("Failed to load groups & permissions.");
var groupsById = groupInfo.Groups.ToDictionary(g => g.Id, g => g);
foreach (var group in groupInfo.Groups)
foreach (var permission in groupInfo.GroupPermissions)
_logger.Debug($"Adding group permission [permission id: {permission.Id}][group id: {permission.GroupId}][path: {permission.Path}][allow: {permission.Allow?.ToString() ?? "null"}]");
if (!groupsById.TryGetValue(permission.GroupId, out var group))
_logger.Warning($"Failed to find group by id [permission id: {permission.Id}][group id: {permission.GroupId}][path: {permission.Path}]");
var path = $"{group.Name}.{permission.Path}";
_permissions.Set(path, permission.Allow);
_logger.Debug($"Added group permission [id: {permission.Id}][group id: {permission.GroupId}][path: {permission.Path}]");
_logger.Information($"Groups [count: {groupInfo.Groups.Count()}] & Permissions [count: {groupInfo.GroupPermissions.Count()}] have been loaded.");
foreach (var chatter in groupInfo.GroupChatters)
if (groupsById.TryGetValue(chatter.GroupId, out var group))
_groups.Add(chatter.ChatterId, group.Name);
_logger.Information($"Users in each group [count: {groupInfo.GroupChatters.Count()}] have been loaded.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
using System.Text.Json;
using HermesSocketServer.Models;
using Serilog;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Commands.Limits;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Groups;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class GetPoliciesAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "get_policies";
private readonly IChatterGroupManager _groups;
private readonly IUsagePolicy<long> _policies;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GetPoliciesAck(
IChatterGroupManager groups,
IUsagePolicy<long> policies,
JsonSerializerOptions options,
ILogger logger)
_groups = groups;
_policies = policies;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
var policies = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<PolicyMessage>>(json, _options);
if (policies == null || !policies.Any())
_logger.Information($"No policies have been found. Policies have been set to default.");
_policies.Set("everyone", "tts", 25, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
foreach (var policy in policies)
var group = _groups.Get(policy.GroupId.ToString());
if (group == null)
_logger.Debug($"Policy data failed: group id not found [group id: {policy.GroupId}][policy id: {policy.Id}]");
_logger.Debug($"Policy data loaded [policy id: {policy.Id}][path: {policy.Path}][group id: {policy.GroupId}][group name: {group.Name}]");
_policies.Set(group.Name, policy.Path, policy.Usage, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(policy.Span));
_logger.Information($"Policies have been loaded [count: {policies.Count()}]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
using System.Text.Json;
using HermesSocketLibrary.Requests.Messages;
using Serilog;
using TwitchChatTTS.Bus;
using TwitchChatTTS.Bus.Data;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class GetRedeemableActionsAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "get_redeemable_actions";
private readonly ServiceBusCentral _bus;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GetRedeemableActionsAck(
ServiceBusCentral bus,
JsonSerializerOptions options,
ILogger logger)
_bus = bus;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
if (requestData == null)
_logger.Warning("Request data is null.");
if (requestData["redemptions"] is not IEnumerable<Redemption> redemptions)
_logger.Warning("Failed to read the redemptions while updating redemption actions.");
IEnumerable<RedeemableAction>? actions = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<RedeemableAction>>(json, _options);
if (actions == null)
_logger.Warning("Failed to read the redeemable actions for redemptions.");
_logger.Information($"Redeemable actions loaded [count: {actions.Count()}]");
_bus.Send(this, "redemptions_initiation", new RedemptionInitiation() {
Redemptions = redemptions,
Actions = actions.ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a)

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
using System.Text.Json;
using HermesSocketLibrary.Requests.Callbacks;
using HermesSocketLibrary.Requests.Messages;
using Serilog;
using TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Handlers;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class GetRedemptionsAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "get_redemptions";
private readonly ICallbackManager<HermesRequestData> _callbacks;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GetRedemptionsAck(
ICallbackManager<HermesRequestData> callbacks,
JsonSerializerOptions options,
ILogger logger)
_callbacks = callbacks;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
HermesRequestData? hermesRequestData = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestId))
hermesRequestData = _callbacks.Take(requestId);
if (hermesRequestData == null)
_logger.Warning($"Could not find callback for request [request id: {requestId}][type: {GetType().Name}]");
else if (hermesRequestData.Data == null)
hermesRequestData.Data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
IEnumerable<Redemption>? redemptions = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<Redemption>>(json, _options);
if (redemptions != null)
_logger.Information($"Redemptions loaded [count: {redemptions.Count()}]");
if (hermesRequestData != null)
hermesRequestData.Data!.Add("redemptions", redemptions);
_logger.Debug($"Callback was found for request [request id: {requestId}][type: {GetType().Name}]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Text.Json;
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class GetTTSUsersAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "get_tts_users";
private readonly User _user;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GetTTSUsersAck(User user, JsonSerializerOptions options, ILogger logger)
_user = user;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
var users = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IDictionary<long, string>>(json, _options);
if (users == null)
var temp = new ConcurrentDictionary<long, string>();
foreach (var entry in users)
temp.TryAdd(entry.Key, entry.Value);
_user.VoicesSelected = temp;
_logger.Information($"Updated chatters' selected voice [count: {temp.Count()}]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Text.Json;
using HermesSocketLibrary.Requests.Messages;
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class GetTTSVoicesAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "get_tts_voices";
private readonly User _user;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GetTTSVoicesAck(User user, JsonSerializerOptions options, ILogger logger)
_user = user;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
var voices = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<VoiceDetails>>(json, _options);
if (voices == null)
_logger.Warning("Voices received is null.");
if (!voices.Any())
_logger.Warning("Voices received is empty.");
_user.VoicesAvailable = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, string>(voices.ToDictionary(e => e.Id, e => e.Name));
_logger.Information($"Fetched all available voices for TTS [count: {_user.VoicesAvailable.Count}]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using HermesSocketLibrary.Requests.Messages;
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class GetTTSWordFiltersAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "get_tts_word_filters";
private readonly User _user;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GetTTSWordFiltersAck(User user, JsonSerializerOptions options, ILogger logger)
_user = user;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
var wordFilters = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<TTSWordFilter>>(json, _options);
if (wordFilters == null)
_logger.Error("Failed to load word filters.");
var filters = wordFilters.Where(f => f.Search != null && f.Replace != null).ToArray();
foreach (var filter in filters)
var re = new Regex(filter.Search!, RegexOptions.Compiled);
filter.Regex = re;
catch (Exception) { }
_user.RegexFilters = filters;
_logger.Information($"TTS word filters [count: {_user.RegexFilters.Count()}] have been refreshed.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public interface IRequestAck
string Name { get; }
void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData);

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class RequestAckManager
private readonly IDictionary<string, IRequestAck> _acknowledgements;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public RequestAckManager(IEnumerable<IRequestAck> acks, ILogger logger)
_acknowledgements = acks.ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a);
_logger = logger;
public void Fulfill(string type, string requestId, string data, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
if (data == null)
if (!_acknowledgements.TryGetValue(type, out var ack))
_logger.Warning($"Found unknown request type when acknowledging [type: {type}]");
_logger.Debug($"Request acknowledgement found [type: {type}][data: {data}]");
ack.Acknowledge(requestId, data, requestData);
_logger.Debug($"Request acknowledged without error [type: {type}][data: {data}]");
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error(ex, "Failed to fulfill a request ackowledgement.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class UpdateDefaultTTSVoiceAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "update_default_tts_voice";
private readonly User _user;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public UpdateDefaultTTSVoiceAck(User user, ILogger logger)
_user = user;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
if (requestData == null)
_logger.Warning("Request data is null.");
if (requestData.TryGetValue("voice", out object? voice) == true && voice is string v)
if (_user.VoicesEnabled.Contains(v))
_user.DefaultTTSVoice = v;
_logger.Information($"Default TTS voice was changed to '{v}'.");
_logger.Warning("Failed to update default TTS voice via request.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
using System.Text.Json;
using HermesSocketServer.Models;
using Serilog;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Commands.Limits;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Groups;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class UpdatePolicyAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "update_policy";
private readonly IChatterGroupManager _groups;
private readonly IUsagePolicy<long> _policies;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public UpdatePolicyAck(IChatterGroupManager groups, IUsagePolicy<long> policies, JsonSerializerOptions options, ILogger logger)
_groups = groups;
_policies = policies;
_options = options;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
var policy = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<PolicyMessage>(json, _options);
if (policy == null)
_logger.Warning($"Policy data failed: null");
var group = _groups.Get(policy.GroupId.ToString());
if (group == null)
_logger.Warning($"Policy data failed: group id not found [group id: {policy.GroupId}][policy id: {policy.Id}]");
_logger.Debug($"Policy data loaded [policy id: {policy.Id}][path: {policy.Path}][group id: {policy.GroupId}][group name: {group.Name}]");
_policies.Set(group.Name, policy.Path, policy.Usage, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(policy.Span));
_logger.Information($"Policy has been updated [policy id: {policy.Id}]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class UpdateTTSUserAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "update_tts_user";
private readonly User _user;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public UpdateTTSUserAck(User user, ILogger logger)
_user = user;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
if (requestData == null)
_logger.Warning("Request data is null.");
if (!long.TryParse(requestData["chatter"].ToString(), out long chatterId))
_logger.Warning($"Failed to parse chatter id [chatter id: {requestData["chatter"]}]");
if (chatterId <= 0)
_logger.Warning("Chatter Id is invalid.");
var userId = requestData["user"].ToString();
var voiceId = requestData["voice"].ToString();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
_logger.Warning("User Id is invalid.");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voiceId))
_logger.Warning("Voice Id is invalid.");
if (!_user.VoicesAvailable.TryGetValue(voiceId, out var voiceName))
_logger.Warning("Voice Id does not exist.");
_user.VoicesSelected[chatterId] = voiceId;
_logger.Information($"Updated a TTS user's voice [user id: {userId}][voice: {voiceId}][voice name: {voiceName}]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class UpdateTTSVoiceAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "update_tts_voice";
private readonly User _user;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public UpdateTTSVoiceAck(User user, ILogger logger)
_user = user;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
if (requestData == null)
_logger.Warning("Request data is null.");
var voice = requestData["voice"].ToString();
var voiceId = requestData["idd"].ToString();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voice))
_logger.Warning("Voice name is invalid.");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voiceId))
_logger.Warning("Voice Id is invalid.");
if (_user.VoicesAvailable.ContainsKey(voiceId))
_logger.Warning($"Voice Id already exists [voice id: {voiceId}]");
_user.VoicesAvailable[voiceId] = voice;
_logger.Information($"Created a new tts voice [voice id: {voiceId}][voice name: {voice}]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
using Serilog;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests
public class UpdateTTSVoiceStateAck : IRequestAck
public string Name => "update_tts_voice_state";
private readonly User _user;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public UpdateTTSVoiceStateAck(User user, ILogger logger)
_user = user;
_logger = logger;
public void Acknowledge(string requestId, string json, IDictionary<string, object>? requestData)
if (requestData == null)
_logger.Warning("Request data is null.");
if (!long.TryParse(requestData["chatter"].ToString(), out long chatterId))
_logger.Warning($"Failed to parse chatter id [chatter id: {requestData["chatter"]}]");
if (chatterId <= 0)
_logger.Warning("Chatter Id is invalid.");
var userId = requestData["user"].ToString();
var voiceId = requestData["voice"].ToString();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
_logger.Warning("User Id is invalid.");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voiceId))
_logger.Warning("Voice Id is invalid.");
if (!_user.VoicesAvailable.TryGetValue(voiceId, out var voiceName))
_logger.Warning("Voice Id does not exist.");
_user.VoicesSelected[chatterId] = voiceId;
_logger.Information($"Updated a TTS user's voice [user id: {userId}][voice: {voiceId}][voice name: {voiceName}]");

View File

@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Speech;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Messaging;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Observers;
using TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Commands.Limits;
using TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket.Requests;
using TwitchChatTTS.Bus;
// dotnet publish -r linux-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained true
// dotnet publish -r win-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained true
@ -78,11 +80,34 @@ s.AddSingleton<IChatCommand, OBSCommand>();
s.AddSingleton<IChatCommand, TTSCommand>();
s.AddSingleton<IChatCommand, VersionCommand>();
s.AddSingleton<ICommandBuilder, CommandBuilder>();
s.AddSingleton<IChatterGroupManager, ChatterGroupManager>();
s.AddSingleton<IGroupPermissionManager, GroupPermissionManager>();
s.AddSingleton<ICommandManager, CommandManager>();
s.AddTransient<ICommandFactory, CommandFactory>();
// Request acks
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, CreatePolicyAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, CreateTTSUserAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, CreateTTSVoiceAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, DeletePolicyAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, DeleteTTSVoiceAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, GetChatterIdsAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, GetConnectionsAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, GetDefaultTTSVoiceAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, GetEmotesAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, GetEnabledTTSVoicesAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, GetPermissionsAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, GetPoliciesAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, GetRedeemableActionsAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, GetRedemptionsAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, GetTTSUsersAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, GetTTSVoicesAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, GetTTSWordFiltersAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, UpdateDefaultTTSVoiceAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, UpdatePolicyAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, UpdateTTSUserAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, UpdateTTSVoiceAck>();
s.AddTransient<IRequestAck, UpdateTTSVoiceStateAck>();
s.AddSingleton<IRedemptionManager, RedemptionManager>();
@ -91,11 +116,15 @@ s.AddSingleton<TwitchApiClient>();
s.AddSingleton<IEmoteDatabase, EmoteDatabase>();
s.AddSingleton<IChatMessageReader, ChatMessageReader>();
s.AddSingleton<IUsagePolicy<long>, UsagePolicy<long>>();
s.AddSingleton<IChatterGroupManager, ChatterGroupManager>();
s.AddSingleton<IGroupPermissionManager, GroupPermissionManager>();
// OBS websocket
s.AddKeyedSingleton<IWebSocketHandler, HelloHandler>("obs");

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ using HermesSocketLibrary.Requests.Messages;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
using Serilog;
using TwitchChatTTS.Bus;
using TwitchChatTTS.Bus.Data;
using TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket;
using TwitchChatTTS.OBS.Socket;
using TwitchChatTTS.OBS.Socket.Data;
@ -14,6 +16,7 @@ namespace TwitchChatTTS.Twitch.Redemptions
public class RedemptionManager : IRedemptionManager
private readonly IDictionary<string, IList<RedeemableAction>> _store;
private readonly ServiceBusCentral _bus;
private readonly User _user;
private readonly OBSSocketClient _obs;
private readonly HermesSocketClient _hermes;
@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ namespace TwitchChatTTS.Twitch.Redemptions
public RedemptionManager(
ServiceBusCentral bus,
User user,
[FromKeyedServices("obs")] SocketClient<WebSocketMessage> obs,
[FromKeyedServices("hermes")] SocketClient<WebSocketMessage> hermes,
@ -33,6 +37,7 @@ namespace TwitchChatTTS.Twitch.Redemptions
ILogger logger)
_store = new Dictionary<string, IList<RedeemableAction>>();
_bus = bus;
_user = user;
_obs = (obs as OBSSocketClient)!;
_hermes = (hermes as HermesSocketClient)!;
@ -41,6 +46,12 @@ namespace TwitchChatTTS.Twitch.Redemptions
_logger = logger;
_random = new Random();
_isReady = false;
var topic = _bus.GetTopic("redemptions_initiation");
topic.Subscribe(new ServiceBusObserver(data => {
if (data.Value is RedemptionInitiation obj)
Initialize(obj.Redemptions, obj.Actions);
}, _logger));
private void Add(string twitchRedemptionId, RedeemableAction action)

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
<PackageReference Include="Serilog.Sinks.Console" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Serilog.Sinks.Debug" Version="3.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Serilog.Sinks.File" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Reactive" Version="6.0.1" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Text.Json" Version="8.0.4" />
<PackageReference Include="NAudio.Core" Version="2.2.1" />
<PackageReference Include="YamlDotNet" Version="16.0.0" />