using System.Reflection; using CommonSocketLibrary.Abstract; using CommonSocketLibrary.Common; using HermesSocketLibrary.Requests.Messages; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser; using Serilog; using TwitchChatTTS.Bus; using TwitchChatTTS.Bus.Data; using TwitchChatTTS.OBS.Socket; using TwitchChatTTS.OBS.Socket.Data; using TwitchChatTTS.Veadotube; namespace TwitchChatTTS.Twitch.Redemptions { public class RedemptionManager : IRedemptionManager { private readonly IDictionary _actions; private readonly IDictionary _redemptions; // twitch redemption id -> redemption ids private readonly IDictionary> _redeems; private readonly ServiceBusCentral _bus; private readonly User _user; private readonly OBSSocketClient _obs; private readonly VeadoSocketClient _veado; private readonly NightbotApiClient _nightbot; private readonly AudioPlaybackEngine _playback; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly Random _random; private readonly object _lock; public RedemptionManager( ServiceBusCentral bus, User user, [FromKeyedServices("obs")] SocketClient obs, [FromKeyedServices("veadotube")] SocketClient veado, NightbotApiClient nightbot, AudioPlaybackEngine playback, ILogger logger) { _actions = new Dictionary(); _redemptions = new Dictionary(); _redeems = new Dictionary>(); _bus = bus; _user = user; _obs = (obs as OBSSocketClient)!; _veado = (veado as VeadoSocketClient)!; _nightbot = nightbot; _playback = playback; _logger = logger; _random = new Random(); _lock = new object(); var topic = _bus.GetTopic("redemptions_initiation"); topic.Subscribe(data => { if (data.Value is not RedemptionInitiation init) return; if (init.Actions == null) init.Actions = new Dictionary(); if (init.Redemptions == null) init.Redemptions = new List(); if (!init.Actions.Any()) _logger.Warning("No redeemable actions were loaded."); if (!init.Redemptions.Any()) _logger.Warning("No redemptions were loaded."); foreach (var action in init.Actions.Values) Add(action); foreach (var redemption in init.Redemptions) Add(redemption); Initialize(); }); } public void Add(RedeemableAction action) { if (!_actions.ContainsKey(action.Name)) { _actions.Add(action.Name, action); _logger.Debug($"Added redeemable action to redemption manager [action name: {action.Name}]"); } else { _actions[action.Name] = action; _logger.Debug($"Updated redeemable action to redemption manager [action name: {action.Name}]"); } } public void Add(Redemption redemption) { if (!_redemptions.ContainsKey(redemption.Id)) { _redemptions.Add(redemption.Id, redemption); _logger.Debug($"Added redemption to redemption manager [redemption id: {redemption.Id}]"); } else { _redemptions[redemption.Id] = redemption; _logger.Debug($"Updated redemption to redemption manager [redemption id: {redemption.Id}]"); } Add(redemption.RedemptionId, redemption); } private void Add(string twitchRedemptionId, string redemptionId) { lock (_lock) { if (!_redeems.TryGetValue(twitchRedemptionId, out var redeems)) _redeems.Add(twitchRedemptionId, redeems = new List()); var item = _redemptions.TryGetValue(redemptionId, out var r) ? r : null; if (item == null) { return; } var redemptions = redeems.Select(r => _redemptions.TryGetValue(r, out var rr) ? rr : null); bool added = false; for (int i = 0; i < redeems.Count; i++) { if (redeems[i] != null && _redemptions.TryGetValue(redeems[i], out var rr)) { if (item.Order > rr.Order) { redeems.Insert(i, redemptionId); added = true; break; } } } if (!added) redeems.Add(redemptionId); } _logger.Debug($"Added redemption action [redemption id: {redemptionId}][twitch redemption id: {twitchRedemptionId}]"); } private void Add(string twitchRedemptionId, Redemption item) { lock (_lock) { if (!_redeems.TryGetValue(twitchRedemptionId, out var redemptionNames)) _redeems.Add(twitchRedemptionId, redemptionNames = new List()); var redemptions = redemptionNames.Select(r => _redemptions.TryGetValue(r, out var rr) ? rr : null); bool added = false; for (int i = 0; i < redemptionNames.Count; i++) { if (redemptionNames[i] != null && _redemptions.TryGetValue(redemptionNames[i], out var rr)) { if (item.Order > rr.Order) { redemptionNames.Insert(i, item.Id); added = true; break; } } } if (!added) redemptionNames.Add(item.Id); } _logger.Debug($"Added redemption action [redemption id: {item.Id}][twitch redemption id: {twitchRedemptionId}]"); } public async Task Execute(RedeemableAction action, string senderDisplayName, long senderId) { _logger.Debug($"Executing an action for a redemption [action: {action.Name}][action type: {action.Type}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); if (action.Data == null) { _logger.Warning($"No data was provided for an action, caused by redemption [action: {action.Name}][action type: {action.Type}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); return; } try { switch (action.Type) { case "WRITE_TO_FILE": { string path = action.Data["file_path"]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) return; string? directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(directory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); await File.WriteAllTextAsync(path, ReplaceContentText(action.Data["file_content"], senderDisplayName)); _logger.Debug($"Overwritten text to file [file: {action.Data["file_path"]}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); break; } case "APPEND_TO_FILE": { string path = action.Data["file_path"]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) return; string? directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(directory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); await File.AppendAllTextAsync(path, ReplaceContentText(action.Data["file_content"], senderDisplayName)); _logger.Debug($"Appended text to file [file: {action.Data["file_path"]}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); break; } case "OBS_TRANSFORM": var type = typeof(OBSTransformationData); await _obs.UpdateTransformation(action.Data["scene_name"], action.Data["scene_item_name"], (d) => { string[] properties = ["rotation", "position_x", "position_y"]; foreach (var property in properties) { if (!action.Data.TryGetValue(property, out var expressionString) || expressionString == null) continue; var propertyName = string.Join("", property.Split('_').Select(p => char.ToUpper(p[0]) + p.Substring(1))); PropertyInfo? prop = type.GetProperty(propertyName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); if (prop == null) { _logger.Warning($"Failed to find property for OBS transformation [scene: {action.Data["scene_name"]}][source: {action.Data["scene_item_name"]}][property: {propertyName}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); continue; } var currentValue = prop.GetValue(d); if (currentValue == null) { _logger.Warning($"Found a null value from OBS transformation [scene: {action.Data["scene_name"]}][source: {action.Data["scene_item_name"]}][property: {propertyName}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); continue; } Expression expression = new Expression(expressionString); expression.addConstants(new Constant("x", (double?)currentValue ?? 0.0d)); if (!expression.checkSyntax()) { _logger.Warning($"Could not parse math expression for OBS transformation [scene: {action.Data["scene_name"]}][source: {action.Data["scene_item_name"]}][expression: {expressionString}][property: {propertyName}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); continue; } var newValue = expression.calculate(); prop.SetValue(d, newValue); _logger.Debug($"OBS transformation [scene: {action.Data["scene_name"]}][source: {action.Data["scene_item_name"]}][property: {propertyName}][old value: {currentValue}][new value: {newValue}][expression: {expressionString}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); } _logger.Debug($"Finished applying the OBS transformation property changes [scene: {action.Data["scene_name"]}][source: {action.Data["scene_item_name"]}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); }); break; case "TOGGLE_OBS_VISIBILITY": await _obs.ToggleSceneItemVisibility(action.Data["scene_name"], action.Data["scene_item_name"]); break; case "SPECIFIC_OBS_VISIBILITY": await _obs.UpdateSceneItemVisibility(action.Data["scene_name"], action.Data["scene_item_name"], action.Data["obs_visible"].ToLower() == "true"); break; case "SPECIFIC_OBS_INDEX": await _obs.UpdateSceneItemIndex(action.Data["scene_name"], action.Data["scene_item_name"], int.Parse(action.Data["obs_index"])); break; case "SLEEP": _logger.Debug("Sleeping on thread due to redemption for OBS."); await Task.Delay(int.Parse(action.Data["sleep"])); break; case "SPECIFIC_TTS_VOICE": case "RANDOM_TTS_VOICE": string voiceId = string.Empty; bool specific = action.Type == "SPECIFIC_TTS_VOICE"; var voicesEnabled = _user.VoicesEnabled.ToList(); if (specific) voiceId = _user.VoicesAvailable.Keys.First(id => _user.VoicesAvailable[id].ToLower() == action.Data["tts_voice"].ToLower()); else { if (!voicesEnabled.Any()) { _logger.Warning($"There are no TTS voices enabled [voice pool size: {voicesEnabled.Count}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); return; } if (voicesEnabled.Count <= 1) { _logger.Warning($"There are not enough TTS voices enabled to randomize [voice pool size: {voicesEnabled.Count}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); return; } string? selectedId = null; if (!_user.VoicesSelected.ContainsKey(senderId)) selectedId = _user.VoicesAvailable.Keys.First(id => _user.VoicesAvailable[id] == _user.DefaultTTSVoice); else selectedId = _user.VoicesSelected[senderId]; do { var randomVoice = voicesEnabled[_random.Next(voicesEnabled.Count)]; voiceId = _user.VoicesAvailable.Keys.First(id => _user.VoicesAvailable[id] == randomVoice); } while (voiceId == selectedId); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voiceId)) { _logger.Warning($"Voice is not valid [voice: {action.Data["tts_voice"]}][voice pool size: {voicesEnabled.Count}][source: redemption][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); return; } var voiceName = _user.VoicesAvailable[voiceId]; if (!_user.VoicesEnabled.Contains(voiceName)) { _logger.Warning($"Voice is not enabled [voice: {action.Data["tts_voice"]}][voice pool size: {voicesEnabled.Count}][voice id: {voiceId}][source: redemption][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); return; } if (_user.VoicesSelected.ContainsKey(senderId)) { _bus.Send(this, "tts.user.voice.update", new Dictionary() { { "chatter", senderId }, { "voice", voiceId } }); _logger.Debug($"Sent request to update chat TTS voice [voice: {voiceName}][chatter id: {senderId}][source: redemption][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); } else { _bus.Send(this, "tts.user.voice.create", new Dictionary() { { "chatter", senderId }, { "voice", voiceId } }); _logger.Debug($"Sent request to create chat TTS voice [voice: {voiceName}][chatter id: {senderId}][source: redemption][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); } break; case "AUDIO_FILE": if (!File.Exists(action.Data["file_path"])) { _logger.Warning($"Cannot find audio file for Twitch channel point redeem [file: {action.Data["file_path"]}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); return; } _playback.PlaySound(action.Data["file_path"]); _logger.Debug($"Played an audio file for channel point redeem [file: {action.Data["file_path"]}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); break; case "NIGHTBOT_PLAY": await _nightbot.Play(); break; case "NIGHTBOT_PAUSE": await _nightbot.Pause(); break; case "NIGHTBOT_SKIP": await _nightbot.Skip(); break; case "NIGHTBOT_CLEAR_PLAYLIST": await _nightbot.ClearPlaylist(); break; case "NIGHTBOT_CLEAR_QUEUE": await _nightbot.ClearQueue(); break; case "VEADOTUBE_SET_STATE": { var state = _veado.GetStateId(action.Data["state"]); if (state == null) { _logger.Warning($"Could not find the state named '{action.Data["state"]}'."); break; } await _veado.SetCurrentState(state); break; } case "VEADOTUBE_PUSH_STATE": { var state = _veado.GetStateId(action.Data["state"]); if (state == null) { _logger.Warning($"Could not find the state named '{action.Data["state"]}'."); break; } await _veado.PushState(state); break; } case "VEADOTUBE_POP_STATE": { var state = _veado.GetStateId(action.Data["state"]); if (state == null) { _logger.Warning($"Could not find the state named '{action.Data["state"]}'."); break; } await _veado.PopState(state); break; } default: _logger.Warning($"Unknown redeemable action has occured [type: {action.Type}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, $"Failed to execute a redemption action [action: {action.Name}][action type: {action.Type}][chatter: {senderDisplayName}][chatter id: {senderId}]"); } } public IEnumerable Get(string twitchRedemptionId) { lock (_lock) { if (_redeems.TryGetValue(twitchRedemptionId, out var redemptionIds)) return redemptionIds.Select(r => _redemptions.TryGetValue(r, out var redemption) ? redemption : null) .Where(r => r != null) .Select(r => _actions.TryGetValue(r!.ActionName, out var action) ? action : null) .Where(a => a != null)!; } return []; } public void Initialize() { _logger.Debug($"Redemption manager is about to initialize [redemption count: {_redemptions.Count()}][action count: {_actions.Count}]"); lock (_lock) { _redeems.Clear(); var ordered = _redemptions.Select(r => r.Value).Where(r => r != null).OrderBy(r => r.Order); foreach (var redemption in ordered) { if (redemption.ActionName == null) { _logger.Warning("Null value found for the action name of a redemption."); continue; } try { if (_actions.ContainsKey(redemption.ActionName)) { _logger.Debug($"Fetched a redeemable action [redemption id: {redemption.Id}][redemption action: {redemption.ActionName}][order: {redemption.Order}]"); Add(redemption.RedemptionId, redemption.Id); } else _logger.Warning($"Could not find redeemable action [redemption id: {redemption.Id}][redemption action: {redemption.ActionName}][order: {redemption.Order}]"); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Error(e, $"Failed to add a redemption [redemption id: {redemption.Id}][redemption action: {redemption.ActionName}][order: {redemption.Order}]"); } } } _logger.Debug("All redemptions added. Redemption Manager is ready."); } public bool RemoveAction(string actionName) { return _actions.Remove(actionName); } public bool RemoveRedemption(string redemptionId) { lock (_lock) { if (!_redemptions.TryGetValue(redemptionId, out var redemption)) { return false; } _redemptions.Remove(redemptionId); if (_redeems.TryGetValue(redemption.RedemptionId, out var redeem)) { redeem.Remove(redemptionId); if (!redeem.Any()) _redeems.Remove(redemption.RedemptionId); return true; } } return false; } private string ReplaceContentText(string content, string username) { return content.Replace("%USER%", username) .Replace("\\n", "\n"); } public bool Update(Redemption redemption) { lock (_lock) { if (_redemptions.TryGetValue(redemption.Id, out var r)) { if (r.Order != redemption.Order && _redeems.TryGetValue(redemption.RedemptionId, out var redeems) && redeems.Count > 1) { var redemptions = redeems.Select(r => _redemptions.TryGetValue(r, out var rr) ? rr : null).ToArray(); int index = redeems.IndexOf(redemption.Id), i; if (r.Order < redemption.Order) { for (i = index; i >= 1; i--) { if (redemptions[i - 1] == null || redemption.Order < redemptions[i - 1]!.Order) redeems[i] = redeems[i - 1]; else break; } } else { for (i = index; i < redeems.Count - 1; i++) { if (redemptions[i + 1] == null || redemption.Order > redemptions[i + 1]!.Order) redeems[i] = redeems[i + 1]; else break; } } redeems[i] = redemption.Id; } else { r.ActionName = redemption.ActionName; r.State = redemption.State; r.RedemptionId = redemption.RedemptionId; r.Order = redemption.Order; } _logger.Debug($"Updated redemption in redemption manager [redemption id: {redemption.Id}][redemption action: {redemption.ActionName}]"); return true; } } _logger.Warning($"Cannot find redemption by name [redemption id: {redemption.Id}][redemption action: {redemption.ActionName}]"); return false; } public bool Update(RedeemableAction action) { if (_actions.TryGetValue(action.Name, out var a)) { a.Type = action.Type; a.Data = action.Data; _logger.Debug($"Updated redeemable action in redemption manager [action name: {action.Name}]"); return true; } _logger.Warning($"Cannot find redeemable action by name [action name: {action.Name}]"); return false; } } }