using CommonSocketLibrary.Abstract; using Serilog; using TwitchChatTTS.Twitch.Socket.Messages; namespace TwitchChatTTS.Twitch.Socket.Handlers { public class SessionWelcomeHandler : ITwitchSocketHandler { public string Name => "session_welcome"; private readonly TwitchApiClient _api; private readonly User _user; private readonly ILogger _logger; public SessionWelcomeHandler(TwitchApiClient api, User user, ILogger logger) { _api = api; _user = user; _logger = logger; } public async Task Execute(TwitchWebsocketClient sender, object? data) { if (sender == null) return; if (data == null) { _logger.Warning("Twitch websocket message data is null."); return; } if (data is not SessionWelcomeMessage message) return; if (_api == null) return; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Session.Id)) { _logger.Warning($"No session info provided by Twitch [status: {message.Session.Status}]"); return; } string[] subscriptionsv1 = [ "", "", "", "", "", "channel.ad_break.begin", "channel.subscription.message", "channel.ban", "channel.channel_points_custom_reward_redemption.add" ]; string[] subscriptionsv2 = [ "channel.follow", ]; string broadcasterId = _user.TwitchUserId.ToString(); foreach (var subscription in subscriptionsv1) await Subscribe(subscription, message.Session.Id, broadcasterId, "1"); foreach (var subscription in subscriptionsv2) await Subscribe(subscription, message.Session.Id, broadcasterId, "2"); sender.SessionId = message.Session.Id; sender.Identified = sender.SessionId != null; } private async Task Subscribe(string subscriptionName, string sessionId, string broadcasterId, string version) { try { var response = await _api.CreateEventSubscription(subscriptionName, version, sessionId, broadcasterId); if (response == null) { _logger.Error($"Failed to create an event subscription [subscription type: {subscriptionName}][reason: response is null]"); return; } if (response.Data == null) { _logger.Error($"Failed to create an event subscription [subscription type: {subscriptionName}][reason: data is null]"); return; } if (!response.Data.Any()) { _logger.Error($"Failed to create an event subscription [subscription type: {subscriptionName}][reason: data is empty]"); return; } _logger.Information($"Sucessfully added subscription to Twitch websockets [subscription type: {subscriptionName}]"); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, $"Failed to create an event subscription [subscription type: {subscriptionName}][reason: exception]"); } } } }