using Serilog; using TwitchChatTTS.Twitch.Socket.Messages; namespace TwitchChatTTS.Twitch.Socket.Handlers { public class ChannelRaidHandler : ITwitchSocketHandler { public string Name => ""; private readonly TwitchApiClient _api; private readonly User _user; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly object _lock; public ChannelRaidHandler(TwitchApiClient api, User user, ILogger logger) { _api = api; _user = user; _logger = logger; _lock = new object(); } public async Task Execute(TwitchWebsocketClient sender, object data) { if (data is not ChannelRaidMessage message) return; _logger.Information($"A raid has started. Starting raid spam prevention. [from: {message.FromBroadcasterUserLogin}][from id: {message.FromBroadcasterUserId}]."); var chatters = await _api.GetChatters(_user.TwitchUserId.ToString(), _user.TwitchUserId.ToString()); if (chatters?.Data == null) { _logger.Error("Could not fetch the list of chatters in chat."); return; } var date = DateTime.Now; lock (_lock) { _user.RaidStart = date; if (_user.AllowedChatters == null) { var chatterIds = chatters.Data.Select(c => long.Parse(c.UserId)); _user.AllowedChatters = new HashSet(chatterIds); } } Task.Run(async () => await EndOfRaidSpamProtection(date)); } private async Task EndOfRaidSpamProtection(DateTime date) { await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); lock (_lock) { if (_user.RaidStart == date) { _logger.Information("Raid message spam prevention ended."); _user.RaidStart = null; _user.AllowedChatters = null; } } } } }