"use client"; import axios from "axios"; import * as React from 'react'; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { useSession } from "next-auth/react"; import RedeemptionAction from "@/components/elements/redeemable-action"; import OBSRedemption from "@/components/elements/redemption"; import { ActionType } from "@prisma/client"; import InfoNotice from "@/components/elements/info-notice"; const obsTransformations = [ { label: "scene_name", description: "", placeholder: "Name of the OBS scene" }, { label: "scene_item_name", description: "", placeholder: "Name of the OBS scene item / source" }, { label: "rotation", description: "", placeholder: "An expression using x as the previous value" }, { label: "position_x", description: "", placeholder: "An expression using x as the previous value" }, { label: "position_y", description: "", placeholder: "An expression using x as the previous value" }, ] const customTwitchRedemptions = [ { id: 'adbreak_begin', title: 'Adbreak Begin (TTS redemption)' }, { id: 'adbreak_end', title: 'Adbreak End (TTS redemption)' }, { id: 'follow', title: 'New Follower (TTS redemption)' }, { id: 'subscription', title: 'Subscription (TTS redemption)' }, { id: 'subscription.gift', title: 'Subscription Gifted (TTS redemption)' }, ] const RedemptionsPage = () => { const { data: session, status } = useSession(); const [actions, setActions] = useState<{ name: string, type: string, data: any }[]>([]) const [twitchRedemptions, setTwitchRedemptions] = useState<{ id: string, title: string }[]>([]) const [connections, setConnections] = useState<{ name: string, clientId: string, type: string, scope: string, expiresAt: Date }[]>([]) const [redemptions, setRedemptions] = useState<{ id: string, redemptionId: string, actionName: string, order: number }[]>([]) function addAction(name: string, type: ActionType, data: { [key: string]: string }) { setActions([...actions, { name, type, data }]) } function removeAction(action: { name: string, type: string, data: any }) { setActions(actions.filter(a => a.name != action.name)) } function addRedemption(id: string, actionName: string, redemptionId: string, order: number) { setRedemptions([...redemptions, { id, redemptionId, actionName, order }]) } function removeRedemption(redemption: { id: string, redemptionId: string, actionName: string, order: number }) { setRedemptions(redemptions.filter(r => r.id != redemption.id)) } useEffect(() => { if (status !== "authenticated") return axios.get('/api/connection') .then(d => { setConnections(d.data.data) }) axios.get("/api/settings/redemptions/actions") .then(d => { setActions(d.data) }) axios.get("/api/account/redemptions") .then(d => { let res : { id: string, title: string }[] = d.data?.data ?? [] res = [ ...res, ...customTwitchRedemptions ] setTwitchRedemptions(res.sort((a, b) => { if (a.title < b.title) return -1 else if (a.title > b.title) return 1 return 0 })) axios.get("/api/settings/redemptions") .then(d => { setRedemptions(d.data) }) }) }, [session]) return (