import axios from 'axios' import { db } from "@/lib/db" export async function updateTwitchToken(userId: string) { const connection = await db.twitchConnection.findFirst({ where: { userId: userId } }) if (!connection) { console.log('Connections do not exist.') return null } try { const { expires_in }: { client_id: string, login: string, scopes: string[], user_id: string, expires_in: number } = (await axios.get("", { headers: { Authorization: 'OAuth ' + connection.accessToken } })).data; if (expires_in > 3600) { let data = await db.twitchConnection.findFirst({ where: { userId: userId } }) let dataFormatted = { user_id: userId, access_token: data?.accessToken, refresh_token: data?.refreshToken, broadcaster_id: connection.broadcasterId } return dataFormatted } } catch (error) { } // Post to const token: { access_token: string, expires_in: number, refresh_token: string, token_type: string, scope: string[] } = (await"", { client_id: process.env.TWITCH_BOT_CLIENT_ID, client_secret: process.env.TWITCH_BOT_CLIENT_SECRET, grant_type: "refresh_token", refresh_token: connection.refreshToken })).data // Fetch values from token. const { access_token, expires_in, refresh_token, token_type } = token if (!access_token || !refresh_token || token_type !== "bearer") { console.log('Failed to grab token.') return null } await db.twitchConnection.update({ where: { userId: userId }, data: { accessToken: access_token, refreshToken: refresh_token } }) const data = { user_id: userId, access_token, refresh_token, broadcaster_id: connection.broadcasterId } return data }